Monday, November 30, 2015

Scratch Game Design

I'm back, in this post I will be telling you about the first game I created. When
I was creating my game I thought about common sense in choosing my sprites
( characters in a game ) and the backdrops. I also got my friends and family to
try my game out and suggest things to make it better.  After that they would say
what I might need to fix.

My first game I created was a chase game. My chase game was easy for me
to make. The second game I made was a Platformer game. This game I had
trouble with. There are many things different about these two games. One
 thing different about the two games are that one game needs gravity. Another
is that they are two different games as you can see already
In this paragraph I will be talking about my best code and hardest bug fixes
 . I think my best code from these three games are the codes you need for
walking or moving.

Invention Commercial

Hi people, I will be talking about my teams main goals for our project ( we had to film a commercial for our invention). My teams Invention was called Forget Me Not. Our main goal was to make a commercial that caught the person's attention.Another goal we had was to help people to understand what our project did, how it worked,and to make it seem like the

This paragraph is about our best "team moment". I think our best team moment was when we were filming because we were all included in this commercial. We had so much fun with the filming because when we made a mistake sometimes we thought it was funny.

During our editing we all helped out. Some times we were arguing about it. Tierra moved the scripts around and made it so it looked good.Hailee talked about the plan and where to
organize it. Then I did the some of the  transitions.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Composition Scavenger Hunt

   Hi people, I am going to talk about composition techniques. I think the most important composition technique ( a way of taking pictures ) is flat angle because flat  angle is pictures that are  shot from a distance directly in front of the subject. Usually they have a solid background or wall. I think this compistion technique is the most important because I see it shots alot. Also because

I think that the most difficult composition techniques is leading lines. Some people make mistakes when it comes to leading lines. The mistakes they make is they just go to lines and take the shot but that is not exactly the wa to do it, you have to see were the lines lead your eyes to then put your subject were the line lead to.

My teammates are very helpful. Hailee was the 
person that edited the video and typed anything
hat needed typing. Tiara was the person who helped
thinking about the subjects we should take a picture 
of for our composition.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Cracking the Code

Today I will be talking about coding ( the ability to make,create or program a app that could help every day needs). I think everybody should have the ability to learn how to code They should learn because they could design a program that could help daily problems. Another reason could be that if people knew how to code people would earn more money by just making a simple program that would solve simple daily problems. Some people think only a little amount of people should learn. So only certain people can have those "special abilities". Well I don't want that to happen so please try your best if you want learn how to code

The first experience I had with programing was a lesson we had about coding. I enjoyed the experience of coding, it gave me an idea of what I would like to do in my future. In experience I will tell you programing is very hard you should get use to coding and other things that have to do with coding. I also had a chance to make a game inside a game, when I made the game I was very proud of my self. So I think other people should have the same experience.

If I could design a game program or app I would be trying to make one every day, and I would think of a way to upgrade my ideas everyday.I also had a chance to make a game
inside a game, when I made the game I was
very proud of my self. So I think other people 
should have the same experience.

This is the game i created in the coding game!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

     Hi like you should know by now my class had a class project to create a humorous video,
I have learned mostly about responsibility to sign out a camera do your b-roll by a deadline then returning the camera by the next day and some other responsibilities we had as a class. I have also learned about B-roll (extra footage). Doing a video is hard work with clips because there are so many it's hard to manage, luckily our teacher has taught us to be organized. By being organized you are moving clips to profiles or maybe pictures ect....! I have one last thing to share about what I have learned in this experience it is mistakes if you make mistakes it might be hard to learn because we usually learn from our mistakes I made many mistakes and hope to not make the same mistakes again.

       Padding is a part in a video or scenes that they take out because it takes up to much time in your video. Padding is crucial because if you take up to much time in your video then well it's to long,to escape from your video being to long you take it out. In movies it's usually called deleted scenes.
Another way to describe padding is that it is an part of a scene you really don't need in your movie or video. You may also think why padding might be important it's important because it makes a movie longer when you need it to be long or a certain time length.

   I think I could improve my project by shooting better clips for B-roll. I think my joke was funny but
when i put my video or monolouge in it's not that funny. I think i did a great job in shooting B-roll and i did'nt have dark spots the main problem was maybe the volume, it was soft at first then LOUD.
For my project i got a three totally wrong i thought i was getting a two. I think i was graded a three because i had over thirty seconds of B-roll which was required. I also think i should have gotten a two but i'm glad for my good grade.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Comedy Writing

It is important because without humor how would you make people laugh. It's comedy writing without a humor you can't call yourself a comedian if you can't make some one laugh. It also describes the person or character's personality in there self.

Five tips for writing a humorous narrative is, one you should maybe add some sarcastic or attitude in your narrative comedy story, for my second tip you should maybe put some personal traits from you and put it in the character or maybe make the character just exactly like you. My next tip may be to
test a joke on at least five people to check that it is funny and makes sense. Fourthly you should
try to describe the scene and let the person get a visual of what your talking about. The last thing I'm going to tell you is to make sense if you don't make sense.

My comedic monologue is funny to me and other people because, you first understand my joke. Secondly I think it's funny cause I rephrase two things or two questions then at the end it comes to a different question and different answer.

Motivational Poster

The requirements you need for your Motivational Poster is that you need four pages with three symbolic pictures and a portrait of yourself. You will also need two text layers one of your manifesto and one of your personal quotes. The design requirements and all text should be kerned to fit the entire page with no blank spaces. You will also need triadic color scheme and you have to know about blending options witch follows with adjustment layers for images witch is or has color balance, curves, levels or exposures.

First, I had to kern my manifesto and personal quotes then put them together on one layer and start to kern them so there is no spaces in between or holes to fill. Before that I had to write my manifesto and personal quotes on by Google doc on my Google drive because photo shop does not have spelling corrections. After you are done with kerning you start triadic color scheme and find a color then you go to layers color options color balance and pick another color. Finally, you can work on saving it by doing command shift save if you don't have command then you use control instead.

In conclusion my hardest task in this project was kerning to make no holes or blank spaces in my quotes/manifesto I think I could improve in this project in my personal opinion is if I had a lot more computer skills to understand how photo shop worked.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Personal Manifesto

Hi i’m Christina Kaiwi today i’m going to talk about how I think 5 things make me unique.I think that i’m loyal to my friends.I created this blog to becauseof my school class it is cool and technical.I’m curios and love to read currentlyi am reading a book called the mark of the dragonfly. I also call myself a leader or a peace maker when there a problem between my friends i try to help out.

Believe in yourself. You can do it.Have fun. Forgiving 100%. do it and love over and over. RESPECTING. enjoy life. ENERGY. key is life. don’t stop trying. traveling. 50% weird! 50% awesome. enjoy life while you can. to fish is not to catch

My manifesto means this to me.You should learn anything you can and to be your self and you can do your best don't let somebody tease you.